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    How Emergent Design Solved N+1 Problem In Buffalo Pop

    Disclaimer. Those who are not familiarized with N+1 problem, you can check “What is the N+1 selects problem in ORM(Object-Relational Mapping) with details explaining the concept.

    Since associations were introduced in Pop, the N+1 problem became part of it: many queries hit the database in order to load whole model’s associations. Good news is N+1 problem is not a disease without remedy. In this post I will give you some steps I took to solve it by incorporating emergent design.

    Step 1: Start Coding By Example

    Coding by example helps you to define what’s your input and what’s your output. Code By Example means you define a scenario where  your solution is tested and what is the expected result. The method I used to apply this technique was Test Driven Development (TDD).

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    Buffalo+Sendgrid is it possible?

    Sendgrid is one of the most well-known and used email delivering solutions. It has solutions for most (if not all) of the common email sending and delivering issues that we could face as developers. But this post is not about convincing you to use Sendgrid.

    One of the things I love about Buffalo is that it ships with all of the things a product needs for rapid application development and deployment. In this case that is email. Buffalo has a mail package that you can use to integrate sendgrid or any other provider with your app.


    Buffalo’s mail package key items are the Sender interface and the Message struct. It also ships with an SMTPSender implementation of the Sender interface which could be used if you have an SMTP server or want to use your gmail/hotmail email to send emails. I do not recommend you to use a single email account for SMTP on production environments but it could be useful when doing very quick iterations and hacks.

    Sender interface

    The Sender interface is a very simple interface which is defined as:

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    Deploying Buffalo to Google Cloud Run

    Google Cloud Run is a service that allows you to run containerized applications in a serverless environment. This means that you don’t have to care about servers. Billing is done for what you use in terms of memory and processor for time (Google provides a free tier you can check here).

    In this post, I will describe how you deploy your Buffalo application to Cloud Run.


    In order for us to be able to send the app to Google Cloud Run, you need:

    • Docker installed
    • Gcloud CLI tool installed with the beta components
    • Gcloud logged into your google account
    • Docker setup with your GCR account
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    Deploying a Buffalo app to Heroku

    A lot of things have changed in the Buffalo ecosystem since my last post on how to deploy to Heroku from Gitlab.

    Indeed, everything has changed since I posted how to deploy from gitlab repo into Heroku with the birth of the buffalo-heroku plugin. In this post I will try and describe how to use it to deploy your buffalo app to Heroku.


    First thing you need to install (or ensure you have) is buffalo-plugins plugin. If you’re on buffalo v0.14.6 or higher you’re all set. If you’re on an older version you should:

    1. Move to your project root folder
    2. Download and install buffalo-plugins plugin
    $ GO111MODULE=off go get -u
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    Page indicator with Buffalo

    Buffalo already ships with very cool pagination support, more than that it even uses the pagination when we generate resources, which is awesome.

    I’ve been working lately in a project that uses that pagination (again thanks to the buffalo team), but this app also has a page indicator on the left side, as the following image shows:

    resource image

    Yes, i’m talking about the section that says “Displaying 1 - 25 of 120 Policies” (design typo there).

    So my first thought was computing those variables on the action and then passing these to the view, where i would use them to build my “page indicator” section.

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    Golang on CircleCI

    As some of you may know, our team has been working with Go for some time and we have always been using CircleCI to run our test suites, we would like to share our circle.yml file, it would help for your Go projects. Enjoy!
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    Code review: Refactoring (part II)

    In part one I talked about what refactoring is and all stuff related to that. In this post I want to show you how refactorings are related to frameworks and give you a real example of their use.

    Frameworks were design to make your life easier in some way, and they should fit to solve your problems. Nowadays developers rarely build apps from scratch, we use frameworks according to our needs to speed up construction, testing and delivery. You realize that get used to a framework doesn’t mean you are except from live without code smells. You can actually apply refactoring techniques using the components and elements those frameworks provide.

    To give you an example, last week we were working in an app which was built using Ember.js framework, while we were in a manual code review activity, we found some duplicated code into three route components.

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    Code review: Refactoring (part I)

    Let’s imagine you want to visit a friend in town but you don’t know where he or she lives, so you call him/her and ask for his/her address. The address becomes your target place, it’s the place where you want to go. When you are about to decide to move, you think, what path should I take so it can lead me to my destiny?…So your options are probably based on less time path, or more secure path, or nearest path. After you decide to use a path, you move and follow it until you end at your destination (your friend’s house).

    That kind of thinking is a little bit related with the concept of refactoring. Imagine now that the situation is not to visit a friend but to extract a piece of code in your app. With that piece of code, you want it to live in a new method, the new method now becomes your target (the place where you want to go). So you think again, what path should I take to put that piece of code into a new method in a safe way?…

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    Colombia is getting mature and more competitive in software development

    In 2013, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development accepted Colombia as a candidate to become an active member of this privileges countries group. If Colombia accomplishes all the requirements for membership requested by OECD, it would be part of “the best practices club”, where countries with better perspective and better performance in social and economic fields help each other to improve their public politics quality, which means more investment, more employment, more capability.

    There had been great progress in some areas along these two years. One of the greatest progress made in Colombia is related with IT investment. With help of ICT ministry and FITI, some programs were developed to help entrepreneurs to create businesses around IT technology, programs to capitalise IT professionals which offer free certifications, free scholarships for MBA and PHB degrees related to IT industry, I+D+I, just to name a few ones.

    An info-graphic emitted by ICT ministry for the last four months of 2014 shows how IT technology has improved its use and capability to coverage almost the whole country. Also, statistics from the same source show how GDP had behave in a decade thanks to IT investment.

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