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    Crafting Effective Mockups: Elevating Software Process Outcomes for Designers

    In the world of design and software development, the journey from concept to the final product is a complex and intricate process. Designers play a pivotal role in this journey, bridging the gap between ideas and tangible outcomes. One essential tool in a designer’s toolkit is the creation of effective mockups. In this blog, we will delve into the art of creating effective mockups and how they can lead to better outcomes in the software development process.
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    Building Stronger Teams: The Power of Effective Communication and Connection

    Strong teams thrive on connections and effective communication. Team bonding activities foster trust, while good communication skills enhance collaboration, decision-making, and productivity. Develop skills through training and create an open communication environment with your team. Fostering Connection Connection is another important element in building stronger teams. When team members feel connected to each other, they are more likely to trust and support one another. This sense of connection creates a positive and supportive work environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas.
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    Maximizing Efficiency and Savings: The Benefits of Outsourced Development

    Outsourced development is a game-changer in the world of technology. It allows companies to tap into a global talent pool and bring together teams of experts from different corners of the world. The possibilities are endless when it comes to outsourced development. Companies can now work with highly skilled professionals who have specialized knowledge and experience in various areas of development. This means that they can tackle projects that were once considered too complex or time-consuming.
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    Agile Team Communication and the Importance of Trust

    In the intricate world of software development, a shift has occurred from traditional management structures towards more fluid and adaptive frameworks, with Agile sitting at the forefront. At the heart of Agile’s success lies a fundamental component - effective team communication built on a foundation of trust. This trust is not only instrumental in fostering a collaborative environment but is quintessential in navigating the labyrinthine corridors of project development where adaptability to change is the norm, not the exception.
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    React: A Tour over its basics

    Whenever I see myself exploring a new language, framework or library, I usually research any relevant information I should know before digging deeper into this new knowledge adventure. Maybe you’re here for the same reason: you’ve been reading lots of tweets from people saying how much they love React, or, likely, you’ve just read an article that stays how React will solve all your problems and other 13 reasons why you should incorporate it in your life, or you’re just tired of the same projects setup with jQuery, and you want to use something new.
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    Security, OWASP and Wawandco

    With the rise of cyber-attacks and data breaches, ensuring the security of applications has become a critical concern for businesses on the web and their users. Learn more about OWASP and how we care about security at Wawandco.
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    Get to Know DORA Metrics: The Key to DevOps Success

    In today’s fast-paced software development world, measuring the performance and progress of a team is crucial. Knowing how well a team performs can open the door to improvements to the current development process. Improvements that will take them from being a low-performing team to a high-performing one. Metrics are just a way for teams to track their progress and ensure they deliver customer value.
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    Quick Peek into WebAssembly

    Is a new standard binary format that allows us developers to compile programs written in high-level languages such as C, C++, Rust, and Go into low-level code that can be executed in the browser. At the moment this is something that we can only achieve using Javascript, but now, with WASM the door is open for other languages to be run on the client side.
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    Open-source licenses and their implications

    In an interconnected world where we see a rapid growth in the number of new libraries and tools that are available for development and in general, for technological advances, one important consideration leaders and teams should take into account is the licensing of the software they are using. Open source is an important weapon in the arsenal of any software development team, but it’s important to understand the different open-source licenses and how its usage may impact your application.
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